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All posts tagged Lessons Learned

Unbounce’s 2015 Year in Review

Hello everyone, Happy to finally present the Unbounce annual year in review for 2015. A little late but better than never. I would say that 2015 was a real transformative year for us. We had some wins, some losses, many firsts, and lots of learning. It’s the year we started to have trouble remembering everyone’s names, when diversity at Unbounce became a discussion, when we started thinking more long term, Read More...

My Journey With Unbounce

Let’s just say the first couple of days were interesting… Initially it felt like I was being thrown into a shark tank. Turns out, these “sharks” were actually friendly, progressive, knowledge hungry animals and it only took a few days before I really felt like part of the team. Deploying our web app to production, taking care of issues in the A-team’s sprint, doing some QA on minor issues, and Read More...

You’d be insane not to grow your startup on AWS

…and by “insane” I mean really, truly, what-was-I-thinking-was-I-out-of-my-mind? insane, not cool insane like the awe-inspiring Tesla insane button. Now, either you’re somewhat in agreement or you’re up-in-arms and ready to engage flamethrowers and lay down scorching arguments in the comments. Either way, follow along as I weave together the financial and technical story behind why I think life on AWS is so good for startups. If you think you’ve got Read More...