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All posts by Carl Schmidt

On growth, accountability, and capacity planning

There’s lots going on here at Unbounce as we grow. This month we welcome seven new Unbouncers, bringing our total head count to 135, and I’m sure Sascha and Charm are sweating just a little bit as they look at our head count projections for this year, and try to handicap when to bring on additional space. The other thing that happened this week is that we somewhat narrowly avoided Read More...

You’d be insane not to grow your startup on AWS

…and by “insane” I mean really, truly, what-was-I-thinking-was-I-out-of-my-mind? insane, not cool insane like the awe-inspiring Tesla insane button. Now, either you’re somewhat in agreement or you’re up-in-arms and ready to engage flamethrowers and lay down scorching arguments in the comments. Either way, follow along as I weave together the financial and technical story behind why I think life on AWS is so good for startups. If you think you’ve got Read More...

Faster Web App Performance, Smoother Software Deployment

TL;DR We’ve cut our web application response times in half, which means building and testing your landing pages with Unbounce is now even faster. Read on to find out exactly how we did that. The Whole Story… I’m sure at one time or another, perhaps even often, you’ve received one of those “we’re upgrading so we’ll be offline” messages from one of the software providers you use. Obviously this can Read More...

Our Brand New Page Serving Platform: Speed and Features

A big part of what we do here at Unbounce is all about removing the pain of dealing with technology hassles from the daily lives of marketers.  Things should Just Work™, and as an Unbounce customer you should be delighted to discover new and wonderful capabilities that magically appear for you. Today is one of those delightful moments when we get to launch a truly significant improvement to the Unbounce Read More...

Unplanned Downtime & Our Humble, Sincere Apology

This morning we experienced some unplanned downtime, which is highly unusual for us. The short version of the story is that we made a mistake, we owe you, our customers, an apology, and we will most certainly work to ensure that it never happens again. But if you’d like to better understand this morning’s outage and what we’re already doing to prevent these kinds of issues in the future, I Read More...