Last Week in Marketing: Social Traffic +148%, Engagement +82% & Pro99s +20%
[About this post: Every Wednesday, the Unbounce Marketing team takes a look at the previous week’s performance and reports back to everyone in the company (and now you!) on the metrics, highlights, and takeaways. Questions? I’d love to hear from you in the comments.]
Say hello to January 27th to February 2nd, 2014
Hawaii was ok. ;) While I was gone, the team was busy being awesome apparently. Go-go Pro99s, up 20%!
We hit the January New Trial Start target (1228) with 1265 total NTS, that’s +17% over December. Nice.
Let’s dig in to last week’s performance:
New Trial Starts (NTS)
- Weekly Total NTS: 300, +2% (week over week)
- Daily Average NTS: 43, +26% (vs. 6 week average)
- Month-to-Date: 48 (Target: 1,298)
(New Trial Starts (or NTS) are those who have signed up to receive a 30-day trial of a paid plan and does not include people who have opted for a free “kick-the-tires” account.)
NTS by Plan & Free
- Pro99 Trials: 119, +21% (w/w)
- Starter Trials: 170, -9% (w/w)
- Signups for Free: 385, -6% (w/w)
(Pro199, Pro499 and Pro999 plans aren’t included here since numbers are too low to be meaningful on a week by week basis at this stage.)
- Unique Visitors: 50,278, +29% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- Pricing Page Visits: 6,916 +30% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- Website Visit to NTS: 2.28 -1% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- New Members: 305, +9% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- Engagement: 1646, +82% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- Social Traffic: 8002, +148% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
Huge lift in social traffic thanks to Buffer including Stef’s Facebook blog post as part of the “Daily Content Suggestion” in their app. Interestingly, social traffic to that post has a high ‘Time on Page’ (224% higher than average…people are really reading it), but visitors don’t venture elsewhere on our website (nasty bounce rate of 94%).
Engagement is also looking awesome here. This is largely thanks to the fun we had with the Shutterstock #Unstockable photo contest on Twitter. If you haven’t already — Check out how it went.
Oh also Tia is the cat’s PJs — She received 2 nominations for the 2014 Community Manager Appreciation Day Awards — Kudos Tia!
- New Email Subscribers: 78, -74% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- Unique Visitors: 30,434, +47% (vs 6 wk. avg.)
Once again we have a week where there was no webinar registration landing page page post-conversion boosting new email subscribers. Dan is going to be digging in to some new ideas. The surge of blog traffic from Buffer gives Unique Visitors a huge boost (traffic was 22% above average without it).
Big Content
- New Conversion Learning Subscribers: 375, -36% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
- New Ecourse Students: 119, -16% (vs. 6 wk. avg.)
The week of Jan 20th to 26th (no update here) we moved January’s webinar registrants over to our Conversion Learning list, this boosted new subscribers by over 1100 which is +108% over the 6 wk. avg. As long as webinars are a monthly occurrence, the growth here will continue to be kind of erratic.
Marketing Happenings
February Webinar
Think you know landing pages? Oli will school you in this month’s webinar. The 3 Landing Page Mistakes That 98% of Marketers are Making on Tuesday February 18th at 11am PT / 2pm ET.
New on the Blog
- Why You Should Focus on Clicks Before Conversions by Tommy Walker
- Event Marketing Can be the WORST Conversion Strategy Unless You Follow These 4 Simple Rules by first-time contributor Fern Diaz (also our first post about event marketing, which is an increasingly relevant topic for us)
Oli’s guest post The 7 Principles of Conversion Centered Design went live on the Shutterstock blog last week. “If I could marry this blog post @Shutterstock, I would” is among the responses. :)
Some Lovely Mentions
- How to Give Great Customer Service and Get Your Customers Shouting From the Rooftops on Make Mention Media << Incredible love for CS!!
- Are Webinars Part of Your Growth Hacking Plan This Year? on CopyHackers
- The TOP 25 Must-Read Internet Marketing Blogs on Writtent
- How & Why You Should Invest In Getting Good Testimonials w/ Examples on ConversionXL
- What’s Best for Your Marketing Right Now? on Duct Tape Marketing
- 3 Steps to Kick-Start Conversions on Your Landing Pages on Crazy Egg (The Daily Egg)
- What the heck the is the HTML500 and why is it awesome? on Vancouver Is Awesome
- Top 10 Copywriting A/B Tests to Boost Conversions on FunnelEnvy
Standout Community <3
And for the real “feel-good” piece of the week, check out (because chances are, you missed) what our awesome community members were saying about Unbounce, our events and CS:
@unbounce No problem, Unbounce was key to validating before I invested resources in it.
— Steven (@steven_feeney) January 27, 2014
. @unbounce have made conversion optimised landing page templates available. CRO helpfulness FTW
— Jess Spate (@Jess_Spate) January 29, 2014
Had a great night out meeting new people, thanks @sarahailish & @unbounce for the beers – Let’s do it again!
— andrew draper (@andrewdraper) January 31, 2014
Shoutout to @unbounce for their speedy technical support. Landing page was a big part of a campaign we were launching, and still on time. — Tom Simon (@tbsimon) January 31, 2014
@unbounce your customer support is also great :) — David Arnoux (@darnocks) January 31, 2014
And when we hit 6,000 fans on FB:
— Neeraj Thakur (@NeerajT4) January 30, 2014
The Pipe…
- Next week comes the beginnings of a beautiful relationship between ThemeForest (Envato) and Unbounce — !!! So. much. happy.
- We’re lining up some awesome webinar guests for the next few months; Watch out for the one and only Brian Clark (Copyblogger) and PPC Master, Brad Geddes (Certified Knowledge)! #smarts
As usual, hit me up with any feedback or questions — See you in the comments!
~Georgiana Laudi, Director of Marketing